Function vaultBatchTransactionAccountClose

  • Closes a VaultBatchTransaction belonging to the Batch and Proposal defined by batchIndex. VaultBatchTransaction can be closed if either:

    • it's marked as executed within the batch;
    • the proposal is in a terminal state: Executed, Rejected, or Cancelled.
    • the proposal is stale and not Approved.


    • __namedParameters: {
          batchIndex: bigint;
          blockhash: string;
          feePayer: PublicKey;
          multisigPda: PublicKey;
          programId?: PublicKey;
          rentCollector: PublicKey;
          transactionIndex: number;
      • batchIndex: bigint
      • blockhash: string
      • feePayer: PublicKey
      • multisigPda: PublicKey
      • Optional programId?: PublicKey
      • rentCollector: PublicKey
      • transactionIndex: number

    Returns VersionedTransaction

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